How Long Does It Take To Detox From Drugs?

If you or someone close to you is struggling with addiction, one of the hardest steps is getting over withdrawal. When your body builds up tolerance to a substance, you experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking it or when you detox. The symptoms you experience during detox can range from mild to severe and, in some cases, lethal. For these reasons, it is important to get professional detox services to keep you comfortable and safe. Before taking this step, you may be wondering how long it takes to detox from drugs.

How Long Does it Take to Detox from Drugs?

The length of time required for detox is based on several factors:

  • What substances you are addicted to
  • How long you have used those substances
  • If you are addicted to multiple substances
  • Your physical and mental health 

The average timeline is seven days for detox. 

During that time, your detox will include a rise and fall of different symptoms, both physical and psychological. Most symptoms get progressively worse after the first two or two, peak, and then begin to decline for the last few days. 

For example:


Cocaine detox begins within 8-12 hours from your last dose. The primary symptoms are fatigue and anxiety, after which you start to experience symptoms such as sweating and agitation. Over the next several days, other symptoms will appear like sleep issues, nausea, loss of motor control, problems with concentration, convulsions, and hallucinations. 


Alcohol detox begins within 6 hours of your last drink, during which you may experience anxiety, nausea, agitation, sweating, and vomiting. These symptoms may begin as mild, somewhat akin to the flu, but over the next several days, peak and can include headaches and tremors. With alcohol detox, there is a risk around the 72-hour mark of seizures, hallucinations, and delirium tremens, which can be lethal. 


Methamphetamine addiction starts with crashing, which happens the first 2-3 days after your last dose, with symptoms of fatigue, insomnia, sweating, muscle aches and cramps, and limited function. After that, you can expect symptoms such as anxiety and depression, too, with several cravings. 

Importance of Professional Detox

Professional detox services are essential in keeping you safe and healthy during your detox timeline. When you first check-in for professional detox services, and you ask things like “How long does it take to detox from drugs?” your team members will review the expected timeline based on your personal history of substance abuse. 

They will also explain what you can expect, given the types of drugs you have used. For example, cocaine tends to have a higher rate of psychological withdrawal symptoms like hallucinations, whereas alcohol withdrawal comes with a higher level of physical withdrawal symptoms.

During these initial stages, before you begin a detox, your healthcare team will explain what you can expect and what types of medication or services will be provided to keep you as comfortable as possible during this process. This can extend to over-the-counter medication as well as FDA-approved prescription medications to manage cravings. 

During the detox process you will remain under medical supervision the entire time. Your vitals will be checked regularly and if there are any unexpected complications, those will be addressed in real time by qualified doctors. 

Professional Detox with American Detox and Treatment

If you or someone close to you is struggling with addiction or alcohol abuse, it is best to start your transition to lifelong sobriety with professional detox. At our facility, we will ensure you are under complete supervision during your detox. Our clients participate in 7-day detox programs followed by 30-day inpatient programs. 

What Sets American Detox and Treatment Apart

With programs specifically for veterans and first responders too, we offer treatment to underserved communities in South Carolina, ensuring that detox is done safely and effectively the first time. 

Moreover, other facilities offer professional detox in a hospital-like setting, but with our detox center, men and women have private rooms during detox to ensure a more comfortable setting during a difficult time. 

So, how long does it take to detox from drugs? On average, anywhere from three to seven days, but this is based on the types of substances you have used and how long you have used them. For most things, you need to ensure you are safe during the detox process with professional help from American Detox and Treatment. 

Contact our team now to start your detox. 

Healing starts here at American. Our dedicated medical staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year, to support you on your new journey to a better life.

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